Whale dance

Photo © John Tao
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A mother whale teaching her child how to jump near our boat.
It took us a full day to reach Tonga kingdom, and of 5 days (40 hours), we've only seen whale jump like this once, I was lucky enough to capture this moment.
These are amazing and gentle creatures, if they want to they can crush us with ease, or just swim away from us. But instead they decided to reach us, and show us who they are.
A mother whale teaching her child how to jump near our boat.
It took us a full day to reach Tonga kingdom, and of 5 days (40 hours), we've only seen whale jump like this once, I was lucky enough to capture this moment.
These are amazing and gentle creatures, if they want to they can crush us with ease, or just swim away from us. But instead they decided to reach us, and show us who they are.
About author:
Business weekly photography columnist, traveled to all 7 continents. Winner of Taiwan national writing award and many international photography awardsBACK TO GALLERY