Gigantic whale shark and remoras, after being fed by fishermen

Photo © Aaron Gekoski
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This huge 9m + whale shark was photographed off the coast of Talisayan in remote Indonesian Borneo. Here, whale sharks are being hand-fed by fishermen to attract tourists, in a practice that is controversial amongst scientists and conservationists. Some believe it holds the future for shark conservation, other claim it results in malnourished, lazy and maimed sharks that find it difficult to reproduce. After the shark was fed off the floating fishing platform, I was left alone with it, as it circled me a few times before disappearing into the deep. The remora fish attached help to keep the shark clean from parasites.
This huge 9m + whale shark was photographed off the coast of Talisayan in remote Indonesian Borneo. Here, whale sharks are being hand-fed by fishermen to attract tourists, in a practice that is controversial amongst scientists and conservationists. Some believe it holds the future for shark conservation, other claim it results in malnourished, lazy and maimed sharks that find it difficult to reproduce. After the shark was fed off the floating fishing platform, I was left alone with it, as it circled me a few times before disappearing into the deep. The remora fish attached help to keep the shark clean from parasites.
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Widely published environmental photojournalist and presenter. Specialise in wildlife, underwater and conservation.BACK TO GALLERY