Upside-down jellyfish in 'space'

Photo © Aaron Gekoski
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Far off the coast of Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, lies the island of Kakaban. Inside this pristine island is the world's largest stingless jellyfish lake. Over thousands of years, this lake has developed in isolation, creating a unique cauldron of life. Without any natural predators, four species of jellyfish have evolved to lose their sting. This image shows one of those species - upside-down jellyfish - lying is some seagrass, as the rain batters down on the surface, creating the illusion that the jellyfish are otherworldly UFO's, marooned in space.
Far off the coast of Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, lies the island of Kakaban. Inside this pristine island is the world's largest stingless jellyfish lake. Over thousands of years, this lake has developed in isolation, creating a unique cauldron of life. Without any natural predators, four species of jellyfish have evolved to lose their sting. This image shows one of those species - upside-down jellyfish - lying is some seagrass, as the rain batters down on the surface, creating the illusion that the jellyfish are otherworldly UFO's, marooned in space.
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Widely published environmental photojournalist and presenter. Specialise in wildlife, underwater and conservation.BACK TO GALLERY