Editorial: Photo Essay / Story (PROFESSIONAL) - HONORABLE MENTION
A real story of Fashion Dummy

Photo © Fabiano Caputo
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Photographic project "A real story of Fashion Dummy" revolves around the strictly social mannequin lifestyle, who, all dressed up by callow stylists, attends at the glamorous parties of Milan city. He's an assidouous haunter of social networks ,and he never misses to post on all the digital platforms that he has (Twitter, FB, Instagram, the blog fashiondummy.net) the campaigns of which he's the testimonial or the evening parties where he's present, and being the deserving substitute of an influencer, as well he has preferences when it comes to fashionable places. Life of this not much speaking mannequin is followed by more than 15.000 followers on Instagram and by several newspapers headlines (Repubblica, Rolling Stone, Vice, and many more). The ultimate end of project, goes further the pure and simple satire of the influencers, but rather it wants to reveal the tragic moral that underpins marketing's world: for the infernal fashion machine is absolutely indifferent who is sponsoring its products, would it be a mannequin or an human being in flash and bones, who could provide to the campaign in addiction of a statuesque body, as well an emotional and cultural contribution, which is regularly not required. Human being, so easily compared or directly replaced by a mannequin, becomes instrument, wonderfully empty and inert object, and degraded in the great potential of his creative genius. This is the manipulation that, much more of the others, moves away human being from divine, for how the wester history understood it, although those filtrate bodies pass them self out like something ultramundane. The administrator of the project tried to keep anonymity as of now, in order to vouch in a metaphysical and planning way, the sense of depersonalization, objectualization which makes concrete the entire project and its morality.
Photographic project "A real story of Fashion Dummy" revolves around the strictly social mannequin lifestyle, who, all dressed up by callow stylists, attends at the glamorous parties of Milan city. He's an assidouous haunter of social networks ,and he never misses to post on all the digital platforms that he has (Twitter, FB, Instagram, the blog fashiondummy.net) the campaigns of which he's the testimonial or the evening parties where he's present, and being the deserving substitute of an influencer, as well he has preferences when it comes to fashionable places. Life of this not much speaking mannequin is followed by more than 15.000 followers on Instagram and by several newspapers headlines (Repubblica, Rolling Stone, Vice, and many more). The ultimate end of project, goes further the pure and simple satire of the influencers, but rather it wants to reveal the tragic moral that underpins marketing's world: for the infernal fashion machine is absolutely indifferent who is sponsoring its products, would it be a mannequin or an human being in flash and bones, who could provide to the campaign in addiction of a statuesque body, as well an emotional and cultural contribution, which is regularly not required. Human being, so easily compared or directly replaced by a mannequin, becomes instrument, wonderfully empty and inert object, and degraded in the great potential of his creative genius. This is the manipulation that, much more of the others, moves away human being from divine, for how the wester history understood it, although those filtrate bodies pass them self out like something ultramundane. The administrator of the project tried to keep anonymity as of now, in order to vouch in a metaphysical and planning way, the sense of depersonalization, objectualization which makes concrete the entire project and its morality.