Volcano Fuego

Photo © Anita Demianowicz
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Volcano Fuego during the eruption seen from the volcano Acatenango in Guatemala.
Guatemala, November 2017.
Volcano Fuego during the eruption seen from the volcano Acatenango in Guatemala.
Guatemala, November 2017.
About author:
Journalist, photographer and solo female traveler. What I appreciate the most during my journeys, is contact with nature and other persons. My favourite way of discovering the world is from the level of my bicycle saddle. I adore taking up new challenges and breaking stereotypes, especially those about the 'weaker sex'. I organize the event 'Trampki - Spotkania Podrózujących Kobiet' ('Tramps - the Meetings of Travelling Women') and I am doing my best to inspire other people to fulfil their dreams. A'm an author of traveling book: "Końca świata nie było" about Central America.BACK TO GALLERY