Lenticular shades

Photo © Isabella Tabacchi
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Lenticular clouds over the peaks in the Jungfrau area, Switzerland.
Since childhood I’ve always had a creative side but I never understood how direct it in the right way. I had a little digital camera with which I took shots to sunsets and landscapes, but only for recreational purposes.
After graduating at the high school science, I enrolled at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bologna University and having more time to spend like I wanted, I decided to buy my first reflex camera and learn about shutter speeds, ISO and diaphragms.
I’ve realized, over time, that I wanted to focus my shots on the natural landscapes; I expecially fell in love with mountains and the boundless sceneries in the Alps.
I've always loved the freedom and the nature, so makes me feel so alive walking among the rocks, the trees and I like express all these feelings with my landscapes.
I use to edit my raw files with a creative post processing but always so that they are realistic and I take ispiration from the landscape painters of the XIX century.
My shots were exhibited in Rome and Athens.
Lenticular clouds over the peaks in the Jungfrau area, Switzerland.
About author:
I was born in Carpi, in the north of Italy, the 23frd of March 1992.Since childhood I’ve always had a creative side but I never understood how direct it in the right way. I had a little digital camera with which I took shots to sunsets and landscapes, but only for recreational purposes.
After graduating at the high school science, I enrolled at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bologna University and having more time to spend like I wanted, I decided to buy my first reflex camera and learn about shutter speeds, ISO and diaphragms.
I’ve realized, over time, that I wanted to focus my shots on the natural landscapes; I expecially fell in love with mountains and the boundless sceneries in the Alps.
I've always loved the freedom and the nature, so makes me feel so alive walking among the rocks, the trees and I like express all these feelings with my landscapes.
I use to edit my raw files with a creative post processing but always so that they are realistic and I take ispiration from the landscape painters of the XIX century.
My shots were exhibited in Rome and Athens.