The scientists whose work is helping save Borneo's enigmatic animals

Photo © Aaron Gekoski
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On the banks of the Kinabatangan River, Malaysian Borneo, lies a remote and rustic Research Centre - the Danau Girang Field Centre. Here, scientists, vets and researchers from all over the world converge to study some of the planet's most enigmatic, least understood animals. Malaysian Borneo is fast losing its jungles, and only around 8% of intact forest remains here. The research produced by DGFC is critical to conservation efforts - only once we understand an animal, can we begin to protect it.
On the banks of the Kinabatangan River, Malaysian Borneo, lies a remote and rustic Research Centre - the Danau Girang Field Centre. Here, scientists, vets and researchers from all over the world converge to study some of the planet's most enigmatic, least understood animals. Malaysian Borneo is fast losing its jungles, and only around 8% of intact forest remains here. The research produced by DGFC is critical to conservation efforts - only once we understand an animal, can we begin to protect it.
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Widely published environmental photojournalist and presenter. Specialise in wildlife, underwater and conservation.BACK TO GALLERY