Once i had a life

Photo © Gouzou Alexandre
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Once I Had a Life
This project started out as a desire, a desire named America. Last April, having left for the west of the USA, I let my instincts guide me, giving free rein to my inclination to roam. What I saw - the boarded-up little towns, deserted regions, urban areas subjected to de-industrialisation – not only made America seem abandoned, but secluded in the past. I have attempted to reproduce the American sentiment about their damaged country. The people I met often thought that their new president was going to rebuild the factories, breathing life back into the economy. Rather than judge, I preferred to listen.
Prior to 2012, he was an assistant film director for Manoël de Oliveira, Raoul Ruiz, Anne Fontaine and Gérard Zingg, collaborated on script-writing for plays by Joël Pommerat, (Les évènements, Treize étroites têtes, Présences) and wrote a collection of short stories entitled J’aurais voulu que tout soit autrement (I wish it hadn’t turned out this way), published in 2003 by Liana Lévi editions.
He has been passionate about photography since he was a teenager.
Once I Had a Life
This project started out as a desire, a desire named America. Last April, having left for the west of the USA, I let my instincts guide me, giving free rein to my inclination to roam. What I saw - the boarded-up little towns, deserted regions, urban areas subjected to de-industrialisation – not only made America seem abandoned, but secluded in the past. I have attempted to reproduce the American sentiment about their damaged country. The people I met often thought that their new president was going to rebuild the factories, breathing life back into the economy. Rather than judge, I preferred to listen.
About author:
Since 2012, Alexandre Gouzou has been a portrait photographer for the press, including magazines such as Le Monde des Religions, Sciences et Avenir, La Croix and Jeune Afrique. He also works as a photographer for corporate projects.Prior to 2012, he was an assistant film director for Manoël de Oliveira, Raoul Ruiz, Anne Fontaine and Gérard Zingg, collaborated on script-writing for plays by Joël Pommerat, (Les évènements, Treize étroites têtes, Présences) and wrote a collection of short stories entitled J’aurais voulu que tout soit autrement (I wish it hadn’t turned out this way), published in 2003 by Liana Lévi editions.
He has been passionate about photography since he was a teenager.