A World of Lights

Photo © Pepa Torres
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“A World of Lights" is a series of images that started 4 years ago, taken in various parts of the world, utilising various luminous objects that I find on the streets, camera movement and long exposure techniques.
As a photographer, I always felt a little bit restricted by having to work with reality, I have the desire to give the viewer something inspiring, imaginative and beautiful that they cannot experience through nature, something that opens our eyes to new ways of perceiving our world or to create new ones. Through this search for abstraction, I have discovered that by combining technology with a human element like movement and improvisation I can create this effect.
This project is based on the idea of exploring the world with new eyes. I like to walk through new places in search of something more than just what is in front of me, a search to experience a sense of wonder. In the cities, some lights are purely functional, but others are there to decorate, to make everything more beautiful, more alive, this is something I like to celebrate in my own way.
The human factor combined with technology and imperfection are the big aspects that make this project a good exercise of human perception for me. It's always fascinating to hear the various perspectives that these images create in different people and how much they are affected by them knowing that these images were created without post-production image manipulation. In this, I see the viewer experiencing the same sense of wonder I look for when I go in search of creating these images.
“A World of Lights" is a series of images that started 4 years ago, taken in various parts of the world, utilising various luminous objects that I find on the streets, camera movement and long exposure techniques.
As a photographer, I always felt a little bit restricted by having to work with reality, I have the desire to give the viewer something inspiring, imaginative and beautiful that they cannot experience through nature, something that opens our eyes to new ways of perceiving our world or to create new ones. Through this search for abstraction, I have discovered that by combining technology with a human element like movement and improvisation I can create this effect.
This project is based on the idea of exploring the world with new eyes. I like to walk through new places in search of something more than just what is in front of me, a search to experience a sense of wonder. In the cities, some lights are purely functional, but others are there to decorate, to make everything more beautiful, more alive, this is something I like to celebrate in my own way.
The human factor combined with technology and imperfection are the big aspects that make this project a good exercise of human perception for me. It's always fascinating to hear the various perspectives that these images create in different people and how much they are affected by them knowing that these images were created without post-production image manipulation. In this, I see the viewer experiencing the same sense of wonder I look for when I go in search of creating these images.