Open Category: Open Theme (AMATEUR) - HONORABLE MENTION

Photo © Katarzyna Nizinkiewicz
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There is many reasons to protect wilderness, animals, planst, beauty of landscape- all of that can be sold by touristic industry, but there is one important aspect forgoten- we need wilderness for our mental health. No one organisation will support it, they just have no reason. We have to do it. Wilderness has no voice, but I have.
Since years I am looking for wilderness in Europe. Last year I spent 4 months hiking. I love the very slow process of traveling (only on feets), I love to sleep in the Nature (in the tent or without, under stars), I love to be alone. This luxury may dissapear soon. Space covered by industry and buildings grow up and wilderness shrinks. I can not stop it, but I can show what we loose and I do my very best to do it.
There is no postproduction in my photographs. Each one is single not compound shout, I show myself as a transparent shadow because it is how I feel in the Nature. We are temporary, destruction may be forever. This is an ongoing project.
Wildreness was nomnee in FAPA 2016, awarded in ND awards 2015 (bronze), published in Szeroki Kadr and in printed version in Magazyn Kontynenty (both in Poland).
There is many reasons to protect wilderness, animals, planst, beauty of landscape- all of that can be sold by touristic industry, but there is one important aspect forgoten- we need wilderness for our mental health. No one organisation will support it, they just have no reason. We have to do it. Wilderness has no voice, but I have.
Since years I am looking for wilderness in Europe. Last year I spent 4 months hiking. I love the very slow process of traveling (only on feets), I love to sleep in the Nature (in the tent or without, under stars), I love to be alone. This luxury may dissapear soon. Space covered by industry and buildings grow up and wilderness shrinks. I can not stop it, but I can show what we loose and I do my very best to do it.
There is no postproduction in my photographs. Each one is single not compound shout, I show myself as a transparent shadow because it is how I feel in the Nature. We are temporary, destruction may be forever. This is an ongoing project.
Wildreness was nomnee in FAPA 2016, awarded in ND awards 2015 (bronze), published in Szeroki Kadr and in printed version in Magazyn Kontynenty (both in Poland).
About author:
I made many stupidities in life, studied physics, designed fashion, even got some important awards for it. I wrote a book, and now I write a popular blog. I spend months each year hiking in the wilderness, it is like meditation and keeps me alive. I also do photographs. Nothing is about carrier so I do not want to be proffesionalist, I just want to share some important thoughts. Together with my writing it is my very small contribution which I am giving to the world.BACK TO GALLERY