Souq Nizwa

Photo © Haitham AL Farsi
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Date Auctioning A gathering of sellers and buyers of the early harvest of dates famed and revered in the Arabian Peninsula. Date palms have always been an economic pillar of the nomadic tribes of the peninsula for centuries. Decades on, despite the advent of fast growing oil fueled economies dates still manage to be a significant part of the Omani economy So ingrained in the culture and so desired that until today people gather for the auctioning of the early harvests shelling out substance
Date Auctioning A gathering of sellers and buyers of the early harvest of dates famed and revered in the Arabian Peninsula. Date palms have always been an economic pillar of the nomadic tribes of the peninsula for centuries. Decades on, despite the advent of fast growing oil fueled economies dates still manage to be a significant part of the Omani economy So ingrained in the culture and so desired that until today people gather for the auctioning of the early harvests shelling out substance
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Photographer from Sultanate of OmanBACK TO GALLERY