Open Category: Long Exposure (AMATEUR) - HONORABLE MENTION
Mallard Marsh 1

Photo © Jack Lefor
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This was the first photo session where I used the long exposure technique. I obtained several very nice photos of this sunset. The antique preset with further adjustments was used in Silver Efex Pro to obtain this finished photo.
This was the first photo session where I used the long exposure technique. I obtained several very nice photos of this sunset. The antique preset with further adjustments was used in Silver Efex Pro to obtain this finished photo.
About author:
I'm an amateur nature photographer that did quite a bit of photography in the 1990's. Working with 35mm, then medium format, then moving up to 4x5 large format. At this time, I was marketing with some success and entering local photo competitions and exhibits. Life circumstances intervened and I didn't start photography again until 2015 when I upgraded to digital equipment. I've now reached a point where I would like to share and showcase some of my photos.BACK TO GALLERY