Architecture: Interior (AMATEUR) - HONORABLE MENTION
Longest Night

Photo © rich smukler
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Captured at The Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Captured at The Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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25th Annual All Florida Juried Art Show (The Arts Council of Martin County 2015), Art Olympia 2015 (Tokyo, Japan), (SDAI) The San Diego Art Institute/(MOLA) Museum of the Living Artist: The 50th and 54th International Juried Exhibitions (San Diego, California 2009, 2015), The Alexandria Museum of Art National Juried Exhibition (Alexandria, Louisiana 2014), The Virginia Academy of Fine Arts National Juried Photography Exhibition (Lynchburg, Virginia 2014), La Rondine Gallery (Ponte a Serraglio in the commune of Bagni di Lucca, Italy) Solo exhibition May 2015, Sandro Santioli Photo Atelier (Florence, Italy 2010), Karen Lynne Gallery (Boca Raton, Florida 2011), Artists’ Haven Fine Art Gallery (Fort Lauderdale, Florida 2008-2013), IPA (International Photography Awards) Professional One-Shot Category, fine art:still life, fine art: landscape, and architecture:buildings 2015, Photo Review International Photography Competition 2015, 9th Annual Black & White Spider Awards Nominee and Fellow (2014), The Photo Review (on-line) 2014, Best of America Photography, Part II (Kennedy Publishing; 2011), Photographer’s Forum Magazine/Best of Photography 2011 (Serbin Communications; 2011), Photographer’s Forum Magazine/Best of Photography 2012 (Serbin Communications; 2012), Artists Portfolio Magazine (December 2012), B & W Magazine (2013 Portfolio), B & W Magazine (2015 Single Image Still Life/Objects), 2015 Photo Review 2014 (Of The Land on-line), The Philadelphia Athenaeum’s 200th Anniversary Juried Art Exhibition (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2014), (JAX) The Jacksonville Center for the Arts (Floyd, Virginia) 2014 Juried Exhibition, (NAA) The Naples Art Association’s 50th Founders Juried Awards Exhibition 2014 (Naples, Florida), The Farmington (New Mexico) Museum of Art 2014 Juried Exhibition, (CAC) The Las Vegas,Nevada Contemporary Arts Center (25th Annual Juried Show, 2014), The Museum of Flight Juried Exhibition 2014 (Seattle, Washington), (CAFA) The 101st, 102nd, 103rd and 104th Juried Exhibitions of The Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts (Mystic, Connecticut, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015) elected member, (MARINMOCA) The Marin Museum of Contemporary Art.BACK TO GALLERY