One minute piece (1)

Photo © lu zhang
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One minute piece (1) (2014)
Hand printed C-type, framed
23 x 23 cm
“Select one piece of sky
Let people hold the shutter
For one minute
Try different methods:
Counting, Singing, Embracing their lover,
or just watching the sky
For one minute
See if different colours come “
This is a conceptual art project about time, which is completed by an instruction to interact and experience personal time. According to a statement by St Augustine, “If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks me, I do not know.” Time is experienced directly and in an instant way instead of by description. The time involved in this experiment is specified as duration, which is a period between two intervals. Human beings are the only known species who are able to use their own consciousness and sensation to define time. French philosopher Henri Bergson who in his essay Time and Free Will divides time into two types: one is the mechanistic time of science, commensurable with clocks and space. However, as time itself is not visible, but can only be felt and experienced, Bergson defines another type of time, which he called ‘real duration’. My work aims to visualize the experience of one minute as real-duration, which is based on the differences between individuals.
The one minute piece (1) is a series of long exposure sky pieces which are using the relationship between photography and time, based on transformation of experienced time to visualized colour. The concept of one minute is regarded as a medium in terms of different time in various situations in which is depending upon sensation of time from different people.
The invention of timepieces extracted time from the human’s body, creating a “ time”
One minute piece (1) (2014)
Hand printed C-type, framed
23 x 23 cm
“Select one piece of sky
Let people hold the shutter
For one minute
Try different methods:
Counting, Singing, Embracing their lover,
or just watching the sky
For one minute
See if different colours come “
This is a conceptual art project about time, which is completed by an instruction to interact and experience personal time. According to a statement by St Augustine, “If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks me, I do not know.” Time is experienced directly and in an instant way instead of by description. The time involved in this experiment is specified as duration, which is a period between two intervals. Human beings are the only known species who are able to use their own consciousness and sensation to define time. French philosopher Henri Bergson who in his essay Time and Free Will divides time into two types: one is the mechanistic time of science, commensurable with clocks and space. However, as time itself is not visible, but can only be felt and experienced, Bergson defines another type of time, which he called ‘real duration’. My work aims to visualize the experience of one minute as real-duration, which is based on the differences between individuals.
The one minute piece (1) is a series of long exposure sky pieces which are using the relationship between photography and time, based on transformation of experienced time to visualized colour. The concept of one minute is regarded as a medium in terms of different time in various situations in which is depending upon sensation of time from different people.
The invention of timepieces extracted time from the human’s body, creating a “ time”