Paper and Metal Construction

Photo © william west
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Recently i have been experimenting with photographing common objects found around the house. Here i combined a dryer duct pipe and a piece of sheetrock tape using a single light.
Recently i have been experimenting with photographing common objects found around the house. Here i combined a dryer duct pipe and a piece of sheetrock tape using a single light.
About author:
William r west was born in st louis missouri on january 3 1951.He grew up in the kansas city area until 1963 when he moved to new jersey.He attended Elon college and graduated in 1973. He worked as a newspaper photographer from 1977 to 1981. From 1981 to present he has pursued a career in fine art photography,collecting numerous awards during that time. He has continued to exhibit his work in various galleries and venues to the present. Presently he is working on material for a book, and has a new series of images entitled Under Construction, involving digitally stitched images.BACK TO GALLERY